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Portraits of Valour
Portraits of Valour tells the stories of World War Two veterans from Western Toronto, including numerous photographs and their portraits, as painted by the artist Murray Saint.

Murray Saint painted more than 80 portraits of WWII veterans, which he would take to local schools in Etobicoke and Mississauga, telling the children of the veterans who lived in their neighbourhood. The veterans would often accompany him to speak of their own experiences. Murray developed a mobile museum to allow the kids could see real uniforms and artifacts from the war.

He began to record the stories in book form with the help of Al McOrmond in 2000. When Murray passed away his grandson, Patrick Busby, continued to work with Al to finish the book, Portraits of Valour.

Now finished, this important book of local history will be introduced in honour of Murray Saint.
Portraits of Valour
ISBN # 0-978-0-9681430-4-9

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